I have to say, this is one of my favorite holidays. I always wish there was more to do in our area to celebrate. We ended up having a bonfire on Saturday night down by the river, with some friends. We made s'mores, and listened to music. We saw some fireworks the neighbors were setting off, through the woods. Sunday night we went to see Peter's family at their camp, and the campsite puts on a pretty good fireworks display. I did a little research about photographing fireworks, and made a concerted effort. I watched the whole fireworks display through my LCD screen! I came out with a few nice shots! Enough to do a layout! Happy 4th of July, everyone! Kerilou
Good Luck
Not the usual wedding card :) Wishing a couple a long and happy life
*Een ongewone trouwkaart. Wensen voor een lang en gelukkig leven samen.*
8 months ago