Friday, July 20, 2007

Jailbirds and more....

Consider these your cute photo fix of the day!! Cody and Brodie in "jail" least Brodie thinks so!
Here is one I just found from a few weeks ago of my Dad with Brodie. She is definitely a man's dog. So much for her being mine! My Dad really likes her, as if you couldn't tell!!

Harley is not a big one for the camera. The flash reminds her of lightening, and she is terrified of storms. She paces the house, panting and drooling during storms, and when I get the camera out. It is so hard to get photos of her because of this. I did manage to get this one, though. They are few and far between, but I wanted her to get some attention, too!!

I just took this one of Brodie the other day. She still has alot of white in her coat, and it reflects the flash so she looks really bright in all the photos! She is finally big enough to jump up on the old porch couch that Harley sleeps on, and she thinks she is pretty cool now!Have a great weekend, everyone! --Keri


Tracy said...

such a good mom - making sure all the kids get equal time :-)
brodie sure is growing up! what a cutie!

Lisa Renéa said...

ah! That Harley is such a beautiful
furbabe! Brodie is looking cuter, everyday! love seeing these pics!