Hello everyone! Sorry I have not been around for a couple of weeks. Assuming anyone realized I was gone? As some of you know, and many of you don't, my husband's family and our whole very small tight knit community were the victims of a violent crime a little more than two weeks ago. Peter's cousin was lost, and the whole family and community has been shaken. I am not going into details, but just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers. They did help, and while it won't bring Peter's cousin back, the perpetrator has been apprehended, and your prayers did offer comfort. Take time to hug your family, friends and neighbors. You never know when it may be the last chance you will have. Love, Keri
Good Luck
Not the usual wedding card :) Wishing a couple a long and happy life
*Een ongewone trouwkaart. Wensen voor een lang en gelukkig leven samen.*
9 months ago
What a cutie....first time on your blog (I think)....good work I am enjoying browsing it.
SOO cute! she's adorable and i love her name!!!
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