I took a BUNCH of photos yesterday. Some of them nice, some just comical! As I have shared here before, Harley HATES getting her picture taken. She associates the flash with a thunder and lightening storm, and as soon as she hears the click of the "on" button, she turns tail (well, she doesn't HAVE a tail actually) and runs. So, long ago, I gave up trying to take her picture. Just not worth her getting all worked up and drooly, especially at her age. Well, after Peter got home yesterday, I took the dogs out to meet him. We do it every day. They run around and goof off. Harley got her eye on a chipmunk hole right by our steps. I *think* it is abandoned-I haven't seen a chipmunk around all summer! She obviously smelled something, cause she camped out by this hole, and would not leave! She would sit, and stare down at it. Then she would lay down and perch herself at the opening. Then she would get back up and stick her nose down in the hole. It was so funny! I mentioned to Pete that it would be funny to get a photo-never thinking I would succeed! I went in the house and grabbed the camera and turned it on before I returned outside. Ya know, Harley was so preoccupied and so glued to that hole, that I actually got to take a few pictures of her! It killed her, knowing what I was doing, but not enough to make her get up and leave! LOL! So here are a few pics of Harley, the almost non existant dog on A Country Life!
And of course, for good measure, Brodie got in on the action. My problem with her is, that she doesn't SIT STILL long enough for me to take a photograph! She is one wild chick. Here she is smelling the bee balm--I see this one in a scrapbook page!! Here she is standing still--a rare occurance...
I also took my first photos of my sunflower patch. I like to plant sunflowers, one of my favorite flowers, every year. Peter made me a patch out of old telephone poles years ago, and it is right along the roadside so people can see them from their cars.
This year, we have a pumpkin patch! Cody usually has one every year, but we failed to have one last year. Believe it or not, we had a frost warning here in the Adirondacks last night, so I don't know what we will find when I go outside this morning. My morning glories look okay, but they are close to the house. The pumpking patch is out in the middle of a field. They might not have fared so well. So, because our growing season is so short, we have to do everything we can to help the pumpkins out. We did see this on TV-it is not my idea, just so you know. We go out and locate all the "male" blossoms and "female" blossoms and we pollinate them! Just in case the bees didn't make it to our patch, it's a little extra insurance. We call it pumpkin s*x. Hey-it works! So here are a few photos from our patch.
Here Peter is demonstrating the x rated technique... Here is a baby pumpkin we spotted:
This is what the female blossom looks like before it opens. See the tiny pumpkin? If the blossom is pollinated, it will fall off and the pumpkin will continue to grow!
Here Peter is making sure we got all the blossoms, and also looking for more pumpkins already growing.
Inside of a female blossom...
And of course a couple more doggie and Daddy ones to send you off...she loves to see him come home at night!
Have a great night!
Keri, what a variety on that post! love it. Cute canines..love the smelling the flowers one. And, now I finally know about pumpkin procreation...lol. great pics!
What adorable pictures! The pumpkin S@x was sooo funny! TFS life in the country.
Your pictures are fabulous! Your dog is adorable. The pictures of the flowers were wonderful.
Awwwe, Such sweet puppies!!! Ms. Harley looks like Beula when she get her mind on something with a smell. That smell just takes over and that is all she can focus on. Usually Beula's revolve around some cat 'presents'.
Love your blog! What kind of dog is Brodie?
Courtney-Brodie is an Australian Cattle dog, aka Blue Heeler. They were bred originally in Australia for herding purposes. They have wild dingo in their bloodlines, as well as dalmation, and I *believe* a rough coated Scotch collie or something like that. Thanks for asking!
Thanks for answering! I asked because I thought she looked like a dingo. Glad I was able to verify that. :)
That's too funny about Harley!
I love your garden-- maybe I'll try pumpkins next year. Watermelon, too.
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